Working Abroad

Removals from Northern Ireland to Europe

Working Abroad | Euroremovals

Whether you are planning to Working Abroad – within the European Union (EU) or work in a country outside the EU – it can be helpful to look for work before you move from Ireland with Euroremovals.

You can find out about Working Abroad and Retirement in the EU on It has information on a range of topics including residence formalities and travel. If you are planning to be Working Abroad in the EU you should also check with your local employment services office or Intreo centre. Each office has a EURES noticeboard advertising vacancies from a range of European countries.

You can read about working holidays abroad.


If you are Moving to Europe with Euroremovalsand interested in working as a volunteer in another country, you can read more information about volunteer opportunities abroad from Comhlámh and Volunteer Ireland.

Social security

If you Move from Ireland with Euroremovals to live or plan living in another country or if you are returning to your own country having worked in Ireland you may be entitled to receive social security benefits in the country you are moving to.

You can find information about social security arrangements between Ireland and other countries.

If you leave your employment to work as a volunteer development worker you may be entitled to credited social security contributions.

Settling in

When you arrive at your destination with Euroremovals, you may find that a lot of the attitudes and practices that you take for granted and consider “normal” are in fact peculiar to Irish culture. It can take time to settle into a new way of life, so give yourself time to adjust.

There are Irish organisations, sports and community groups around the world who can help you to stay connected with Ireland and help you to meet Irish people abroad. DFA’s Global Irish Directory lists over 1,000 Irish groups around the world, which can certainly help with an onsite advice when Working Abroad becomes your short or long term plan.

Copyright: Citizens Information Bureau, 2024


Moving Company from Ireland to Europe



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