Moving to Italy
Moving to Italy with Euroremovals!
Moving to Italy – Residence Permits and Visas
The first step once you arrive in Italy after Moving to Italy with Euroremovals is to apply for a residence permit (and a visa in some cases). But who is required to apply for these documents? What are the requirements to get them? And what about the process and costs? Find out everything you need to know about the difference between a visa and residence permit, as well as what types of permits are available in Italy.
How to Get Healthcare
In Italy, the public healthcare is free; the Italian national health service (Servizio sanitario nazionale, or SSN) isn’t always available to foreign citizens, but don’t worry: whether you’re an EU or non-EU citizen, with private insurance and the public health service, you’ll never go without healthcare. Here you’ll find all cases where access to the SSN is either a right or a requirement, as well as other ways of getting health insurance. Moving to Italy with Euroremovals should be a straightforward once you follow our advice!
Moving to Italy – Finding a Job
Speaking of residence permits and Moving to Italy, one of the main reasons people move here is to find work. But what are the legal requirements for job seeking? And which sectors are the easiest for expats to find work in? Read our tips on the world of work in Italy, from the paperwork expats need, through to jobs where expats actually have an advantage.
Cost of Living and Expenses
Italy isn’t one of the most expensive countries in Europe, but it’s not the cheapest either. Expats need to know about the various costs of living: how much you have to spend to maintain a house, travel by car or public transport, and for healthcare and other basic necessities. Find out more about the cost of living in Italy and what are the most expensive and cheapest places to live.
Finding a Home to Rent
For expats, when Moving to Italy finding a home often means renting. The best way to find rentals is online, but don’t overlook other channels either! Our guide explains what documents you’ll need to sign a contract, how much it costs to rent a home in Italy, how much it cost to move and what types of rental contracts there are.
Obtaining Italian citizenship
The ultimate goal for expats who’ve been in Italy for a long time is to get citizenship! But how does that work? You can become a citizen in two ways: through marriage to an Italian citizen, or by having residency for a certain number of years. But both situations have various conditions. Read our post to learn more about all the options, and find out about the requirements, documents and processing times for obtaining Italian citizenship.
Open an Italian Bank Account
In order to manage your money effectively, the first thing you’ll need is an Italian bank account. The good news? Once you’ve compiled all the documents, opening an account is easier than you might think. Learn all about the different account types, cards, and how to open a bank account in Italy here—and discover the best accounts for expats.
Copyright: 2024